Meet Helen Johnstone

Monday, July 14, 2014

Neelah the Boxer: First Follow Up

A couple of weeks ago, I introduced you to Neelah the Boxer who has a number of issues including some aggression.  CalmaCanine will be working with her until her issues are resolved and I'll provide an update after each follow up.

I checked in about 10 days after the consult to see how things were going. It's quite normal for some positive progress and some areas where progress is slower.  Here's a summary:

  • barking at the surrounding neighbours.  This had greatly reduced.  One neighbour had been outside sweeping with her little barking dog and Neelah stayed calm throughout and basically ignored them.  What a good girl!
  • aggression towards children.  A friend's child had visited and Neelah had only lunged at the glass door once during the visit.  Neelah had spent a lot of the visit time relaxing in her bed and had not been fixated on the back door.  This was great progress.
  • Neelah had growled at a visitor and then paced the hallway while the visitor was inside one of the rooms with the door closed.  This indicated that we needed to take a step back with visitors who actually entered the house.

Based on this feedback we agreed to continue working with the barking issues as well as the children visiting.  And we agreed to move to a safer process for visitors entering in the home.

Erin had also asked some additional questions since the initial consult regarding how to deal with unexpected visitors and I also sent a detailed process for Erin to use with visiting children.  I left Erin with her ongoing homework and we agreed on a further follow up around a fortnight later.

Please stay tuned for the next update!